
The fast development of connector market lead manufacturers to launch new products

The fast development of connector market lead manufacturers to launch new products

With the development of electronic devices with higher transfer speed and smaller style,connectors also follow the trend to face the competition among thousands of domestic connector manufacturer,who need to have advantage in manufacture capability ,special service and customer support.
There is no reason to doubt that cable assemblies will be affected by wireless technology obviously,the quantity of sales within the next 5 years will reduce at least 25%,that’s mean less connector plug demands.Wireless application will also affect the following connector types:
A: RJ45 plug (current quantity of annual sales is more than 1 billion pcs )-will be affected by 802.11 wilreless LAN competition.
B: USB plug and socket(current quantity of annual sales is more than 2 billion pcs)-will be affected by WUSB competition.
C: RCA connector-(current quantity of annual sales is more than 1 billion pcs)-will be affacted by bluetooth.
The development of connector technology with high-speed transfer is also progressed under high-speed trend of civilian products,communication,computer and measure machines. The demand of digital interaface connector used in LED TV,DVD player,STB is increasing,which industry absorb lots of manufacturers stay in mechanery industry to join ,the competition of new products is increasing.
Molex also launched two SMD type right angle FPC connector for mobile phone,digital camera and other small application.It said that 0.50mm pitch of 501461 series FPC connector is with the appearance of only 0.80mm high and 3.20mm deep,which is called the shortest and smallest connector among all of current types.
At the same time,TYCO also launched a new economic round waterproof connector,which could meet the trend of smaller and fashion appearance for LED light market and suit for the outdoor connection application for various LED lights,such as LED light bar,LED spotlighting,LED washing wall landscape lighting,LED advertising board lighting,LED tunnel lighting,LED public lighting and so on.


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