
Luminescence In A Diamond-Replica Watches

There are many factors that influence the color appearance of colorless to faint yellow diamonds. The overall look of a polished diamond s color may be due to the results of a combining factors like shape, size, cutting proportions, body color, and the position and the light in which it is viewed. On being exposed to Ultra Violet radiations, certain diamonds may emit fluorescence due to the presence of submicroscopic structures in diamonds. There may be various colors of fluorescence in diamond, but blue is the most common. The response of a diamond under a UV lamp is an identifying characteristic on quality grading reports. Other light sources such as fluorescent tubes or even sunlight also contain a varying amount of UV radiation.

Fluorescence is nothing but emission of light by a material such as diamond when it is stimulated by higher-energy X-rays, ultraviolet radiation, or other forms of radiation. It would continue only as long as the material is exposed to the radiation. Depending on the viewing conditions and the observer s visual perception, the reaction of a diamond to long-wave ultraviolet radiation may vary both in hue and strength. Both colorless and colored diamonds can fluoresce several hues, most commonly blue, yellow, orange, and white. Some blue diamond may fluoresce red to short-wave UV whereas others like pink may fluoresce bright orange. These differences may arise either from trace impurities (mainly nitrogen and boron, possibly hydrogen) or from other submicroscopic defects in the diamond crystal structure.

Although yellow fluorescence is also a concern, but the study to diamonds with blue fluorescence was based on the preponderance of such diamonds and the difficulty of finding sufficient number of yellow-fluorescent stones to conduct a parallel study. Diamonds with extremely strong blue fluorescence and a distinctive oily or hazy appearance, often referred to as overblues . However, they are even rarer than diamonds with yellow fluorescence.

In appearance environments, there is less attempt to control the observation variables that can affect the diamond s color appearance. Typical situations would include: informal color grading of D-to-Z diamonds; observations of color appearance made at the time a diamond is bought or sold; and, for the jewelry-buying public, how a diamond might appear when worn in jewelry. Here, the diamond is viewed tableup through the crown facets, where the cutting style has more influence on the perceived color. The effect of fluorescence on color is most noticeable in lower colors, although in the market place the influence on price is greater in the higher colors. Unlike the notion held by many in trade, fluorescent diamonds are not as prevalent as nonfluorescent stones. The present study also challenges the trade perception that fluorescence usually has a negative effect on better colored diamonds.

Luminescence In A Diamond

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